Monday, July 28, 2008, 1:24 AM
DAWN AH DAWN.....YOU'RE SO DEAD. NOW EVEN PEOPLE WHO USED TO LOVE YOU, HATE YOU. PEOPLE WHO USED TO TRUST YOU, LEAVE YOU. See lah... All your dirty little secrets are out. Is it really SO HARD to admit that you have plastic surgery? I mean like, we won't blame you. It's not like if we blamed you, you must go back to how you used to look like in the past. CHEY. JUST ADMIT LAH! PLASTIC SURGERY ONLY! SO COMMON NOW! But the worse thing is, why do you have so many alter egos huh? It's scary man. You use alter egos to defend for yourself. OMG. Now all your plagiarism shit is out also. You can change your looks, but you can never change your evil character I guess. One word for you - DEAD. Thursday, July 17, 2008, 12:19 AM
i don't understand
Why is everything my fault?Why must everything be an assumption? Why don't you even want to listen to my explanation? Why is your explanation a reason and my explanation an excuse? Why would you rather listen to another girl's rants than mine? Why does she remain she long in your memory? Why is she so unforgettable? Why can you be so happy with her and not me? Why do you find her so precious and not me? Do you know I was very sad when you did that? Why do I try so hard and yet you don't see it? Why is it that you can embarrass me in front of your friends and I can't do the same? I'm really so heartbroken. Can you hear my heart break? Can you hear it shattering? Can you see my tears? Can you feel my tears falling? Why must it happen to me? Why me? Why....? Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 4:21 AM
c.a.t.s car-nival
My cable is STILL missing *stares at Marilyn*Nevertheless, it's been a pretty interesting weekend. Friday - Huilin's birthday celebration at Zouk. Interesting news of that day - Tourm got DEAD drunk and I think whoever saw us thought we've just killed someone and we're getting rid of her corpse. Saturday - Huilin's birthday celebration at East Coast Chalet. Interesting news of that day - Played 20/40 cents mj with Huilin's friends till 5am. Won 20 bucks. Sunday - C.A.T.S Carnival at Expo Hall 4. Interesting news of that day - I slept at 6am the previous night, but I woke up at 9.45 feeling alright. And I lost 65 fucking dollars in MJ. Ok. So I'm gonna blog about the carshow. Was pretty excited about it - 1st time wearing something like that and PLUS I ate a little too much at the chalet. I GOT TUMMY LAH!!! Not to mention that Amanda, Jocelyn and Michelle are all so thin and they can fit into the size M skirt and I cannot -_____________-" Some pictures and STOP STARING AT MY TUMMY!!! I'll EAT YOU UP I TELL YOU!!!!! I forgot to mention that she's a mixed blood - her Dad's mongolian and her mum is Chinese. So she's got Eurasian features. Envy x 10000000000 ![]() ![]() ![]() It's PVC, so you'll be sweating like mad underneath and the material is NOT very absorbent. Not to mention it was super tight and I feel like a mummy. And the BOOTS! Oh! The boots, damn high and pointed. I thought my toes were broken cuz I can't feel them after standing for 8 FUCKING HOURS!!!! I SURVIVED!!!!!!!!!!!! With these photos, I've decided to lose weight. Really really. Wednesday, July 09, 2008, 9:22 AM
yet another reason why i hate them
crazy indian woman.seriously having signs of menopause Tuesday, July 08, 2008, 2:11 AM
YES! STUPID LTA!I DON'T CARE IF I'LL GET A LAWSUIT OR WHAT IF I WRITE THIS POST!!! I'M DAMN FED UP WITH THE STUPID UPGRADING-FOR-THE-BETTER-FUTURE SHIT! I'M SURE A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE EQUALLY AS UNHAPPY AS I AM! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Let me ask you guys... What do you see when you're traveling on the road (by cars or cabs)? ROADWORKS! It's bloody irritating! I just don't understand why such roadworks take place in the SAME PLACE once in every FEW MONTHS? It adds to the irritation that it takes place IN THE DAY! I mean, wouldn't it be better if it these road works take place at night when the traffic flow is MUCH MUCH MUCH lesser? Wouldn't it be better for the workers as well? They don't have to work under the unbearable sun! It'll be MUCH cooler at night as well! I'm sure the workers will prefer that too!!!! Horrible lah! In case you're wondering why I'm complaining. It's because my cab fare from Eunos to Pasir Ris actually increased by 4 fucking bucks just because of the STUPID roadworks ongoing at the slip road towards PIE at Eunos. I'm not sure how to explain the exact location, but I know that if you exit from there to PIE, the next exit will be Bedok Reservoir. WTF. Usually, IF WITHOUT THE BLOODY ROADWORKS, the cab fare would be about 7 to 8 bucks. But BECAUSE OF THIS BLOODY ROADWORKS, the cab fare was actually 12 bucks. FUCKING HELL!!!??? This slip road is considered an "important" road because many drivers from Eunos will be using this exit to go to PIE. Usually, this road already has quite a big of problems due to it merging to form one lane, now, it got worse. Seriously hor... KNNBCCB! Friday, July 04, 2008, 4:06 AM
time for a change
It's time for me to change my blogskin.I need to change to something that's a non-navigating one so that I can put my nuffnang thingy to use. Anyway, I've got work tonight at St James (like again -__-") I hope I can sell faster tonight. I'm so very tired. I hope everything will go smoothly. Got casting and work tomorrow. Why does events only come when my school is about to start??????!!!!!! Wednesday, July 02, 2008, 11:52 PM
Wah.Xiaxue's blog is damn juicy. She is no doubt my favourite blogger man! I seriously won't fail to check out her blog once every few days. She IS very crude and straightforward at times (ok. most of the time.), but it's just what she feels! It's not her fault what! Would you rather people be straightforward to you or would you they be hypocrites? Hmm. Since I last checked Xiaxue's webby, there seemed to be a deleted post. It seemed to be an apology to Dawn (which is very not her since she seldom apologizes). I figured that I missed out some sort of post that perhaps "insulted" Dawn Yang. Of course, the KAYPOH me managed to find what she has apparently posted on Dawn Wayang. To summarize, these are the points about Dawn Yang that she has "claimed" 1) That Tinsel Management dropped Dawn, 2) That Dawn had failed to join 98.7FM as a DJ, 3) That Dawn lied about an offer by Jacky Wu, 4) That Dawn has breast implants and armpit scars, 5) That she lied about how much she was earning, and 6) That she had lied about her heritage. SERIOUSLY AH, I feel that I can agree to these "claims" leh! Well. At least some of them. I'm not very sure about points 1 to 5 but for point 6....hmmm.... kinda doubtful, really. About point 4, although I've HEARD the rumor that she joined the Taiwan entertainment industry, but I haven't actually seen her in any. I've HEARD, again, that she was in one of Jacky Wu's show, but I haven't actually seen, again, her in any too. In the more recent Xiaxue posts, Xiaxue defended for herself (BRAVO! I LIKEY LIKEY!) and she actually compared Dawn to her friend Arissa. I personally found the similarities that Xiaxue pointed out rather true! MY GOD! I won't deny that I don't really like Dawn Yang either. Oh well. Everyone (ok lah. MOST PEOPLE who ain't blind) will know that she has actually gone under the knife. I feel that her blog lacks the "entertainment" that Xiaxue can provide. Dawn's blog is really all just about her, which event she went to, which country she went to, her, her, her and her. Look at her photos lah. I read hers like.... once a fortnight? Once a week ONLY IF I'm fucking bored and ran outta blogs to read. I kinda feel a little that she is trying to "show off" than anything else she is trying to achieve. Oh well. That Arissa that Xiaxue pointed out IS really VERY pretty and I SUPER ENVY HER LAH! Good looks + good figure + RICH + everything else a girl wants. WAH LAU EH. It reminds me of how KOR MIA I am. I mean, it's kinda true that she might be THE girl that another girl might want to be. In case you guys get all confused, let me give you a step by step guide to this cat fight. I suggest you open the following links in tabs and DON'T CLOSE THEM. (In case you didn't know, the words in blue can be linked, dumbass.) 1) Go to Xiaxue's and check out the post on A revelation of feelings, posted on Monday 30th June. 2) Then you should be wondering - WHAT HAPPENED? ok. Then you go to Dawn Wayang. It's the most recent post actually. You'll have to scroll down and you'll find Xiaxue's INITIAL post on A revelation of feelings. 3) Go back to Xiaxue's blog to read her post on An update, posted on Wednesday 2nd June. 4) Go read Dawn Wayang's most recent entry ( I know I referred to that entry just now. But I'm asking you to read Dawn Wayang's own entry now, not the copy of Xiaxue's deleted entry.) 5) Then read Xiaxue's most recent entry on Yet another update - And I'm not happy, posted on Thursday 3rd June. 6) Go Dawn Yang's blog to see what Dawn has to say about this whole thing. SEE LAH. Told you this thing is juicy. PS: I'm only a poor student stating my point of view. Please don't sue me! PPS: XIAXUE! I SUPPORT YOU!!! I LOVE XIAXUE!! PPPS: I don't really hate Dawn Yang or whatever, I just dislike her. I don't hate her. I feel that my dislike for her is rather similar to Xiaxue's dislike for her. Tuesday, July 01, 2008, 12:37 AM
new paper new face
HAHA.As some of you might know, I went for the New Paper New Face audition. AND..... I DIDN'T GET IN!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Don't worry lah. I'm not sad or depressed or disappointed or whatever lah. I think I'm too OLD and too FAT for this now. In fact, I was worried the finals will clash with the exams. No. I wasn't trying to console myself. So, my friend suddenly told me she saw my photo on the asiaone webby. ![]() INDEED! It's me. In one of the most unglam position ever. No wonder she can recognize me. OK LAH. Actually it's quite artistic. HAHA. It's actually on the front page of Asiaone webby (There are photos to summarize the news and stuff on the top left hand corner. My photo is the 6th one.) There's one more that is even more unglam. ![]() Damn. I look fat. ps: Check out the girl in black (standing up). HER ARSE IS FIRM MAN! |