Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 7:00 PM
wow.there is a war going on in tourmaline's cbox i tell you! it's between me and this "admirer". very exciting to me. HAHA. here's how it goes... "admirer" posted this on her c box - 9 Apr 08, 18:28 Admirer: I seriously think u r really gorgeous n Beautiful...followed by- 9 Apr 08, 18:29 Admirer: If i could love u, i would give my All,includingmy prideOMG. DON'T YOU THINK IT'S ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. CAN HE BE EVEN LOWER??? EWW. and so i rebutted, with the name "anti admirer" 11 Apr 08, 01:35 anti-admirer: disgusting. must be some sick idiot. rolls eyes. "admirer" actually replied!!! haha. i thought it was hilarious. 12 Apr 08, 17:27 Admirer: "Anti - ME "Y r u so agitated?? U r jealous of the compliments given to Her???when i saw that, i was totally laughing my ass off. and i found it very very interesting. how can a guy be so CHILDISH!!!??? oh man. i admit i'm childish and my friends know that. BUT, even in front of tourmaline, he actually can portray himself as a childish and disgusting guy!!! anyway, i wasn't even a teeny bit agitated. in fact, i was typing with a pretty straight face. i was totally lamed by him. ok. AND of course, i replied. 15 Apr 08, 14:58 anti-admirer: nothing to be jealous of. i'm simply disgusted by you and your superficiality. dont worry. you dont stand a chance, sicko.i mean seriously, picking a fight with a girl? on the-girl-you-would-give-your-pride-to's cbox??? damn funny! why would he even do that. and all he knew was tourmaline is beautiful and gorgeous, TO WHICH I AGREE. BUT, even my friends thought it was disgusting. omg. that is so BEI(1) JIAN(4) and BEI(1) WEI(1) and of cuz, the war aint over... he of cuz must rebutt one lah! he wont rebutt, he wont die. HURHURHUR 15 Apr 08, 23:34 Admirer: Love is patient & is Kind15 Apr 08, 23:35 Admirer: Love is Neither Jealous Nor Boastful...15 Apr 08, 23:37 Admirer: To "Anti-Me": I did not ask for any chance from that pretty lady... I'm just giving a sincere compliment for her:) I dont understand y u r so worked up?!? Kinda make me feel that u r so Inferior...Admirer: To "Anti-Me": Well, if u r also 1 of her admirer, and with this kind of arrogant attitude, i seriously think u can't make it too:) Too possessive and obsessed ![]() WTF!!!??? love is patient and kind??? love is neither jealous nor boastful??? WTF MAN!!?? omg. that is one of the most brainless thing i've heard. and, i don't myself being worked up at all. hmmm. in fact, it was pretty obvious that he was very very worked up from my comments. he seemed to be endlessly defending himself and trying to make himself look less "sick" and "psycho". OH. i'm so inferior. haha. HE IS SO SUPERIOR SIA!!!! to actually tag on a girl's cbox and quarrel with her good friend there. BEST LAH! so superior leh! ohohoh. and he thought i was one of the admirer. haha. yeah man. i totally admired tourmaline since i was SEC 1. which makes it 8 years now. wow. TOURMALINE! I LUBB YOUUU!!! so, i replied cuz i found this to be very very intriguing. 17 Apr 08, 11:37 anti admirer: oh well. too bad i'm not her admirer. hurhur. too bad you dont even know her. childish freak. quarreling here shows the ugly side of you. wake up.17 Apr 08, 11:38 anti admirer: anyway, please look at all your posts here. the one who's worked up is you. i was merely passing by a comment that i was disgusted by you.and steven posted one as well... 17 Apr 08, 17:16 Steven: Why conceal your identities? Sorry tourma but i have to comment. To admirer: i think you're just plain disgusting. *pukes. Seriously.erm. it shows i'm not the only one. HAHA. thanks steven! you know i love you!!! and i love huilin too!!! aiya. i was damn sick of typing "anti-admirer" by then, so i took steven's advice. HAHA. anyway, i finally posted one with my real identity. 18 Apr 08, 00:16 weiling: it's funny when admirer says that anti admirer is obsessive and possesive. he sounds more possessive and obsessivve than that!!! he souhds like a stalker. tourm you have a stalker!!! weiling: anyway, love is not sittng in front of your com and wanking off her pic either. ew. sick. tourm, think you need to bring out a parang everytime you go out. eh eh eh. i have to say admirer and anti admirer(which is yours truly), i just wanted to make things clearer that who said what thing. and a neutral posted 20 Apr 08, 05:35 neutral: just to sae something fair, i think the words that admirer used may have been a bit shocking, but just take it no more than a compliment.thanks neutral. our point has always been that. we all thought he was abit over till it was kinda INFERIOR! but he chose to pick a fight with YOURS TRULY and showed the ugliest side of a person ever. of cuz, it showed the ugly side of me, but it was just outta amusement. haha. it was so damn interesting to fight with a childish guy. HAHA. can you just imagine!? oh alright. i admit i'm childish. HAHA. but you should know i'm like that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. and so, i thought the war was over and he realised that there were too many people against him. so, tourmaline called me yesterday and smsed me that the war ain't over! wow. what a troublesome and SI(3) CHAN(2) LAN(4) DA(3) guy!!! ok. translation - die die also won't let go. and this is what he posted Admirer: Hey weiling:) so what if im wanking off her pic ??? how do u know ?!? suprised me man ![]() AND HE ADMITS THAT HE WANKS OFF HER PIC!!! OMG. HOW SICK! HOW TRULY DISGUSTING IT IS!!! OH MAN. btw, the wanking off her pic phrase, it's not by me, it's by david tan, who was equally as disgusted. oh. at this point of time, i feel that his level of childishness exceeds wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond mine. so i let out my few "final" comments 23 Apr 08, 09:57 weiling: erm.hmmm.haha. one word - SIAO.let me explain the erms, hmmms, and hahas erm - why is this guy so weird huh. he just won't let it go. and he seemed to be picking on me only. how come he wont pick on steven huh. so weird. must be some geek or nerd or freak. hmmm - maybe he knows us. haha. then even more interesting. i just haven't use my vast wardrobe of vulgarities. but hor, he's really damn er xin. even tourmaline is disgusted. totally no chance now. picking a fight with her good friend. haha - this guy is really mad. haha. don't wanna fight with him le. i'm way more superior compared to that inferior childish fucker. oh well. what a queer world. mambo tonight. PS: all the comments are color coded. orange is the lovely "admirer", Blue is yours truly, green is others, red is my disgusted comments. Monday, April 21, 2008, 7:59 AM
i'm backkkk
I'VE FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY ENDED MY P4!!!I realized that this is the most screwed project I ever had. Not only was there model plus panels to do, we had to do a panel for Archi Con as well. H O R R I B L E Actually, I didn't finish my stuff. I "submitted" on friday, just before crit. In fact, I was still struggling with my model before crit loh!!! H O R R I B L E X 2 But, I have to say that my model is better than my past models. haha. It was full of different materials. EH. MAI SIAO SIAO HOR! the materials cost me 50 bucks ok! so plus panel printing and cab fares and the horrible summon i got, this totals up to about 120 bucks. H O R R I B L E X 3 Hmm. Nevertheless, the times that we all spend rushing our stuff kinda bonded the studio together. (or should i say, the many studios together) We eat there, sleep there, get zombie-fied there, trace there, go crazy there. ALL THERE IN THE STUDIO. oh. crazy times, but definitely unforgettable times :))) Wednesday, April 02, 2008, 3:15 AM
HELLO MY LOVELIES!!! I'm back from Batam (like long time ago).I had a absolutely enjoyable trip, although plenty of time is wasted not doing what we wanted to do, but still, it was absolutely great. I have so many stories to tell you guys, but I'm so darn busy. Actually, to think about it, i spend alot of time slacking. S H I T. I have TONS of photos to upload but as usual, I'm too lazy to do that. Will do that some other time, I PROMISE!!! Perhaps after my submission lah. AND I REALLY DREAD THAT I MISSED TOURM'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. It looks so fun!!! URGH. I'll be back to update more! Don't miss me :))) |