Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 11:53 PM
Ups and Downs of 2011
Another year has gone by. So fast. It really amazes me that I'll be a quarter century old next year.Well, I think what made this year really memorable was that my heart was broken. Not that it was never broken before. But it was completely shattered. Everytime relationship takes a part of my heart away. It was never and will never be complete. BUT this one was special. I was so certain about this. I was so sure that it will be my "happily ever after". HAHA. It makes me laugh to see that I was so childish and naive. So, yup, I was ditched. And I always tell people, "HAHA. I got ditched yo! I got dumped for radiation! He chose radiation over me! He wanna be the Hulk!!!" Yeah. It's such a joke. Behind that joke, I cried endlessly. I think I really did cry a river. My river is cleaner than the singapore river, in case you're wondering. My quote of the year, was when I met up with him and I asked if he wanted have a LDR. He said no. And, holding back my tears, I said (somewhat shakily), "Well. I really do love you a lot. I love you and I want to see you happy. If the only way for you to be happy is that you go to Japan, then go." IS THAT TOUCHING OR WHAT??? THAT SHOULD BE IN THE MOTHERFUCKING GUINESS BOOK OF RECORDS FOR BEING THE MOST TOUCHING SENTENCE OF THE YEAR! THAT CAME STRAIGHT OUTTA TWILIGHT YO!!!! ummm. yucks. no. It didnt. I hate twilight. I was simply amazed that I managed to say that so calmly and with full sincerity. So yes, that was the BEST LINE of my year. As for my worst, I cant think of any. I say mean things to people every.single.day. Maybe that was my worst line too. Worst because it was downright heartbreaking to say that. I couldnt believe I was so...brave? I could have been a stalker/bitch and bought a tix to go with him BUUUUUUUUT I didnt. DUDE. We're adults. To think about it, I think with every word of that line, what remained of my heart shattered to pieces. SO NOW, YOU CAN'T BLAME ME FOR BEING A HEARTLESS CUNT. *EVIL LAUGHS* Sunday, October 17, 2010, 7:52 PM
Wah. I haven't blogged for a VERY VERY long time (cuz I'm still enjoying my honeymoooooon with alex).But this incident that happened THIS VERY MORNING on the 18th of Oct is a MUST BLOG. OMGGGGGGGGGGG. Story goes like: I have an event later in the evening at 6pm and I need to wear heels (black strappy heels). *sidetrack* And ppl who know me will know that I don't wear just ANY heels. I like super high, 4 to 5 inch heels. The higher the chioer mah. BUT I'm so tall, if I add 5 more inches to my height, I'm like almost amazonian. So I don't usually go out in the public with heels (unless I have my fellow amazonian friends with me). AND THEN, I decided to call a cab cuz I'm not gonna take a bus looking like an overgrown kid (who knows, someone might take a pic and send to stomp saying that amazonians have invaded Singapore). Here's the eggciting part: When I board the cab, I saw a phone. An E71 to be exact. My 1st thought was "DAMN! I FOUND A PHONE!!!" but of cuz, I've always been the kind of person that return lost phones.* My 1st instinct was to take the phone out and try to figure out who the owner is and who I should call. When I slipped the phone out from the casing, I saw an SMU matric card and it says "Wan Zhi Kai". WAN ZHI KAI IS MY FRIEND CAN!!!!??????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? *ANGELIC CHIMES* YES. Wan Zhi Kai is my goddamn friend. WHAT ARE THE FUCKING CHANCES THAT ONE WILL MISPLACE HIS PHONE AND ONLY TO BE FOUND BY HIS FRIEND ON A CAB LATER!?!?!?! IT IS HENG MAX CAN!?!?!?! At this moment his phone rang and his mom called and I explained to his mom that I'm his friend and stuff. I kinda think the mom didnt believe me. WHO WILL!!?!?!? I might be someone who found the phone, stupidly picked up the phone and pretended to be his friend! BUT FORTUNATELY, I really AM his friend. LOL. This is very interesting. I'm gonna buy toto and 4D later. This cannot be more coincidental liao. Maybe singapore is really too small. SERIOUSLY, I must emphasize on the fact that: 1) I decided to take a cab although I originally wanted to take a bus. 2) I stay at River Valley and 3) He went to sch at SMU I suppose that the cab did not pick any passengers up after dropping him and before picking me up cuz that person would definitely have found the phone (and 50% chance of not returning). So it's so damn coincidental that the cab picked ME at River Valley after dropping him at SMU. WOW. Ok. End of story. I'm still very amazed by this coincidence though. I think I'll be for the next few days. LOL. Thursday, July 22, 2010, 6:21 AM
Sugar Daddy
This girl added me on FB one fine day. Thought she looked quite pretty and I don't mind accepting her.Don't get me wrong. I'm not a lesbian or bi or whatever.I just thought she might be a model or something. Who knows? We might meet at an event one day.So... she kept "haunting" me on FB. Whenever I'm online, she'll send me a msg on FB chat...like the convo pasted below.I've never replied her though. She always asks the same question - whether I'm interested to earn 12 - 15k per month. SOUNDS DODGY. And... on this day... I finally decided to see what she's up to. I pasted our convo below. Stephaniehhihi how r u 9:13pmMehi wassup 9:13pmStephaniehow r u 9:13pmMei'm good anyway do i know you 9:14pmStephaniethats good nope 9:14pmMeoh haha ok 9:14pmStephaniejust wondering if u r interested to earn money? 12-15k per month 9:14pmMeas what 9:14pmStephaniei intro u a sugar daddy 9:15pmMeerm 9:15pmStephanieu just need to company n have fun with him whenever he is back in singapore 9:15pmMenot really thanks i'm attached 9:15pmStephaniei have been with him for the past 1 yr + I am too 9:15pmMeoh 9:15pmStephanieits very discreet n safe 9:15pmMedont think my bf will be pleased 9:15pmStephanieDon't let him know nobody will know 9:15pmMelol 9:15pmStephanie15k per month + u get to travel too @ times with him anyway he is looking for somone to travel with him to korea this august 9:16pmMehaha nope 9:16pmStephaniealright then up to u 9:16pmMei'm not really interested in earning money that way 9:16pmStephanieits really easy 9:16pmMeit's easy but 9:17pmStephaniebut what 9:17pmMeit's not ethical 9:17pmStephanieif not coz i go oversea to study 9:17pmMeto meat least 9:17pmStephaniei would have still be with him 9:17pmMeok 9:17pmStephaniewell.. U don't company him everyday he always travel so u just need to be with him maybe like 2 a month 9:17pmMenope have you approached a lot of girls? 9:18pmStephanienopr coz u look pretty n sexy thats why i ask u nevermind then 15k is a lot 9:19pmMenah i can do without that 15k 9:20pmStephaniewhat u meant 9:20pmMedont get me wrong but i'm just not that kinda girl i've been approached before never liked that kinda idea Stephanieu never try how u know 9:24pmMecuz i dont need to try I just know i'd rather do w/o it 9:25pmStephanieokok AND I WAS RIGHT. GOD. The line that I've highlighted in red is the one that kinda pissed me off. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I NEVER TRY HOW I KNOW??? BITCH, DO I LOOK LIKE A COMPLETE WHORE TO YOU!!? oh my buddha. Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 11:58 PM
This is dedicated to my dear agent, D.
I'M MOTHERFUCKING DU LAN RIGHT NOW.Ok. Lemme explain why I'm feeling so angry. Bout 2 months ago, I went for a casting for an upcoming event for a certain casino in singapore (THERE'S ONLY 2. SLOWLY GUESS) That event is supposed to be an ongoing thing which means that there's work almost everyday from mid June to July. I went for the casting, I thought I did well and turned out that, I was only in the 2nd priority list. "What priority list?" you must be thinking. So... according to my agent, D... there're 2 lists of girls who are so called "priority girls". The 1st list are of more "priority" than the 2nd and lao niang is in the 2nd. And we were told to submit our dates of availability (in order to plan our work schedule). I submitted 3 freaking weeks and my agent actually complained "SO FEW DAYS!?" HELLO??? JUNE SUBMITTED 4 DAYS NIA HOR!!!??? NABEI. Ok. Cut the long story short, I waited for days... to weeks and I never seemed to get ANY SINGLE MOTHERFUCKING DAY. Some girls who were in the 2nd priority list like me GOT A FEW DAYS TO WORK HOR!!! Nabei. All I hear is "client likes this group of girls." or "I'll try to slot you in" or "there're still somemore days mah" or "so many days, sure will have your chance one lah" . BUT, believe me, NONE OF THESE WORDS CAME TRUE. Indeed there were a lot of girls, however, many of them were slackers (or so I heard). You, as an agent, knew about how troublesome or lazy some of them were. BUT YOU CHOSE NOT TO DROP THEM AND GIMME A SINGLE CHANCE?! SERIOUSLY, YOU TELL ME WHETHER I SHOULD BE ANGRY NOT??? I don't think I've performed badly for any of your events before. I understand that the client likes some of the girls, but, wassup with those empty promises then? Ok. Perhaps I've exaggerated, you didn't make any promises. BUT those words gimme hope. It's like waiting patiently each week, HOPING that it's finally MY TURN to work but, no. I don't see my name. WEEK AFTER WEEK. In fact, I see names of girls whom I heard bad stories about inside. OMG. NABEI. YOU SHOULD KNOW I'LL NEVER DO THOSE THINGS THEY DO LOH!!!!!!! I'm fucking disappointed. Really. You tell me "Dont be disheartened." YOU THINK I WONT BE MEH??? UNCLE. LAO NIANG GONNA START WORK IN 2 WEEKS LIAO. I'M GONNA STOP MODELLING SOON. YOU THINK I WONT BE DISHEARTENED MEH??? HEARING ALL MY OTHER FRIENDS GET THE JOB AND EVEN WHEN I'M IN THAT FUCKING LIST, I WAS LEFT OUT, YOU TELL ME WHETHER I SHOULD BE DISHEARTENED??? Seriously, you tell me lah, I go casting FOR FUCK? I get into the "priority list" FOR FUCK? I submit my schedule FOR FUCK? IN THE END ALSO NEVER GET ANYTHING!!!??? RIGHT OR NOT? I'd rather you tell me right from the start that I DIDNT GET THE JOB than to gimme false hope. FALSE HOPE THAT LED TO MY EXTREME DISAPPOINTMENT NOW. So, you tell me lah, HOW SHOULD I TRUST YOU NEXT TIME? Why should I even go for ANY castings under your agency in the future? What if you decide to play me out again?? e.g. "Oh ya... you got the job... but I will 'try' to slot you in." then *cricket sounds for weeks* Nabei. DISCLAIMER: I know you're in a difficult spot too. Client likes the current batch of girls. No extra uniforms etc etc (YOUR OTHER LOAD OF EXCUSES). But YOU yourself know that some of the girls are not up to standard (performance wise) and you refuse to drop them. WAH LAU EH. YOU SAY LAH, SHOULD I BE DULAN? THIS IS UNFAIR *bawls like a kid* Monday, June 07, 2010, 5:04 AM
mother fucking emo
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.I admit that I can be quite dependent on people, as in, I hate doing things alone. In fact, rotting at home is not on my top list of things to do. So, Alex went back to US for 2 weeks (12 days to be exact) to visit his family and friends. I mean he goes back like twice a year or something, to spend time with his mom, dad and grandma. I guess I tend to forget the fact that he is in fact, born and bred in the States. He does not "belong" here. I think I'm too used to him being around me, though it has only been 6 months. On the night before he left for his flight in the morning, I became FUCKING upset. Like, FUCKING FUCKING depressed. I didn't really wanna talk to him, hold him or whatever. I thought I'll be fine but nope, I wasn't. Next thing I knew, I started crying, as if he's not coming back anymore. I know, I FELT DAMN SILLY CAN??? OMG. I feel upset cuz of the following reasons: 1) I will miss him terribly, since I spend more than 70% of my time with him. 2) I have absolutely no work this week. ZERO. If I've got events or something, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be so upset cuz I will be focusing on something else. Moreover, time flies faster with work. BETTER THAN SITTING AT HOME DOING NOTHING RIGHT??? But no. I have NO WORK!!! How suay is that??? 3) My friends are busy cuz they are working. Yes. People working, me not working. I'm not sulking cuz they have more jobs than me (which I usually do, cuz they earn wayyy more than me and they never share!!! ok. joke. no. ok. i'm not joking.), I'm sulking cuz they'll be busy!!! They have no time to play L4D with me!!! This month's pay ain't here yet, so I can't go shopping. Wah lau. Sian max. 4) The L4D at home kinda sucks cuz it's not updated. There's no The Passing!!! WTH. Everyone is playing the updated version, hence, I don't have people to play with!!! I don't like playing with the computer cuz they like to steal my 1st aids and they are seriously rather retarded. 5) No one is home other than my grandma and Coco. Not even my brother. DAMN NO LIFE RIGHT!!!??? It seems almost like my world only revolves around L4D and Alex. Erm. I was looking at myself and I realised, YES, THAT IS TRUE. My life DOES only revolves around L4D and Alex. My ex BFF called Mahjong is now unavailable as it requires 3 other players other than myself. Hence, no mahjong. OMG. How no life can i get? My friends suggested doing something more "productive" such as packing my room, exercising. And I can think of a million excuses not to do those "productive" work. I don't know why I'm so useless. Yes. I admit I'm useless. I'm too lazy to do anything while I'm complaining about every single thing. I can't be bothered to do up a CV cuz I feel that I haven't enjoyed enough. In fact, I don't really feel like working. It's a NO-CHOICE thing that I have to work cuz I have to pay my sch fees loan and give my parents money and blah blah blah. I'm not complaining. I think I HAVE to do that. But I don't feel like doing it now. But yes, I'm complaining cuz I have no money to spend since I don't have a stable income. I sometimes envy my rich friends. They can go for trips as and when they like, while I have to save up and sometimes "borrow" money from my parents (by "borrow", I mean "ROB" cuz I don't really return). I have to save up for months. And I admit I'm not the best save-r in the world. I spend a lot of money on shopping and cabbing, both of which I'm trying to cut down now OK!! Alright, I'm just complaining my ass off. I'm feeling damn emo. OK. So now I'm gonna do a Q&A for you equally as no life dodos who are rebutting me as I complain virtually. Q) Since you know you're so dependent on him etc etc, why don't you go to the US with him in the first place? A) Simple. Due to the following reasons: 1) Because I'm not rich. My last name ain't Gates or Jobs. My parents ain't gonna sponsor my trip hor. I have to save up money one. AND I DID OK!!?? But you think go there very cheap huh? You think Bangkok ah? Airfare was already how much I saved up ok?! I go there don't need to eat liao lah. Spend his? Siao ah? You think his last name is Gates or Jobs ah? He's earning a fair salary but not millions hor! We still need to save money for "rainy" days one leh. 2) For *ahem* models like me, oh, or should I say "talents" like me. (ChaoCheeBye. Later people say I shameless again. Wah lau. People like that Jack Neo's Wendy Chong/Cheng/Chang/Ching or something also can call themselves model, why I cannot? Pls loh, I really am a model mah. No doubt a bit half fucked lah, but then what will you call us? "People-who-model-and-work-in-events" ah? Nabei. sorry. sidetrack.) We know that June is the month to earn more. There will be major events like CommunicAsia, Beerfest etc etc that will be happening during the month of June. Hence, it would not be advisable to go abroad during this period aka got money earn don't wanna earn meh??? 3) He's going there solely to visit his family and friends. Not gonna be much shopping and partying. Hence, I shall not waste my money (both saved and to be earned). Q) Why don't he call you then? Or you call him? A) SIAO AH? You know how much the overseas call charges not??? That time I called for less than 30 mins + smses while I was in Tokyo, lao niang's hp bills was 300+ bucks hor!!!??? YOU PAY AH?! My dad doesn't own M1 hor! 300+ bucks = me doing at least 1 to 2 events hor! Q) THEN SKYPE LAH!!!??? A) Ok. This question requires a little bit of explanation. Alex and I wanted to skype. We skyped with he was in Hawaii and Tokyo last dec while I was trapped in Singa-fucking-pore. It is indeed a very good way of communicating since it's free and we can see each other on the video chat. HOWEVER, we have a problem this time. We're 12 hours apart. I'm technically living in his future. When he's up, I'm sleeping. When I'm up, he's sleeping. And seriously, he's been rather busy catching up with his friends and stuff, I can hardly talk to him. Now we've kinda "reduced" to the state of sending each other msgs on FB. ok. I shall not complain further. Q) Why can't you learn to be more independent? Your friends' bfs go overseas longer than Alex they also ok? A) Excuse me? I already said I'm very dependent already right? And, my friends' bfs got talk to them almost every night (unless they cannot carry their phone e.g. outfield) ok?? They got talk on msn or skype or whatever ok? It's been days since I last chat with him, I didn't even hear his voice hor. We just send msgs on FB nia. Q) 12 DAYS NIA!!! Very soon you can see him liao mah!!?? You sad what? A) Yes. I did mention above that I have no work this week but I'M FUCKING BUSY NEXT WEEK. I have CommAsia and BeerFest from 15th to 20th of June hor!!?? CommAsia from morning to evening, then Beerfest at night ok??? Alex will be back on the 16th but from 15th onwards I'm fucking busy! I can't even spend time with him when he's back!!! And the week after that, he'll be on morning shift the whole week, which means he'll be damn tired every day. Everytime he works morning shift, he will be damn listless the whole day even though he finishes at like 4pm. He'll literally be zombiefied. Do you enjoy spending time with a zombie??? I only enjoy KILLING ZOMBIES ONLINE, not spending time with one. WAH LAU EH. Q) Got work also complain, no work also complain! Complain what?? A) EH HELLO!? I said I very emo already right? If CommAsia + Beerfest is this week, I will NOT complain a single word I tell you. BUDDHA AHHHH!!! WHY MUST YOU MAKE THOSE EVENTS COME NEXT WEEK!!!??? WHYYY???? Q) Aiyo. You so poor thing, then how do you plan to spend this torturous week? A) Plan A: Go out and play L4D everyday. Tire myself out so I can sleep till late everyday and I can diet and so time fly faster. Plan B: Watch movies online everyday, bring back some memories. Hopefully I can take my mind off something and that time fly faster. Plan C: Go shopping, so time fly faster. Plan D: Plan B in the morning, Plan C in the noon and Plan A at night (depending on the availability of my friends.) Does that answer your questions??? Any further questions pls msg me on FB, prepare to be GAN by me. I shall end this blogpost with something interesting I found. Remember Lady Gaga's iconic "bow" or "ribbon" hairstyle (shown below)? ![]() I've always found it cute but never tried it on myself cuz I think I'll look retarded. ANYWAY, I've been carrying out Plan B the whole of this afternoon. I started watching those old hong kong movies from the 1990s like 倩女幽魂 and 唐伯虎點秋香. So I was watching 倩女幽魂 and at one scene, I gasped damn loudly. I saw THIS ![]() OMG!!! IS IT THE SAME HAIR STYLE OR WHAT???!!! LADY GAGA COPIED HER (in case you don't recognize her, she's 王祖賢 or Joey Wong)!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Ok lah. Lady Gaga is like how original. Won't copy one lah. But still.... HAHAHAHAHAH Monday, March 08, 2010, 12:10 AM
Why I totally vanished from my blog
It's just cuz I'm on Twitter. Too lazy to blog. Can tweet from my phone somemore.And maybe because I'm too happily in love. Here's an example of things he does that make me smile everyday "weilinggg 3:12 pm (3:12:32 PM): haha (3:12:33 PM): anyway (3:12:34 PM): baby (3:12:39 PM): i gotta throw the pork floss away (3:12:45 PM): ants invaded it alex.wolaver@baml.com 3:13 pm (3:13:25 PM): grrrrr!!!1 (3:13:37 PM): thats the last straw (3:13:42 PM): they will dieeeee alex.wolaver@baml.com 3:14 pm (3:14:56 PM): tonight from the grocery store we need to buy stuff to kill them (3:15:25 PM): grenades, .45 caliber bullets, assault rifles, sniper rifles, flamethrowers (3:15:26 PM): the works weilinggg 3:16 pm (3:16:04 PM): yes (3:16:12 PM): i think we need some bazookas as well (3:16:29 PM): do you think we need some nuclear weapons? (3:16:32 PM): atomic bombs? alex.wolaver@baml.com 3:17 pm (3:17:00 PM): quite possibly (3:17:04 PM): those guys are persistant weilinggg 3:18 pm (3:18:44 PM): yes (3:18:47 PM): dont worry (3:18:52 PM): i'll deal with them (3:18:57 PM): they pissed auntie weiling off HOW CAN I NOT ADORE HIM TO BITS???? Monday, November 30, 2009, 6:36 PM
Sweetest thing in the world
Happy happy :)I'm gonna get diabetes soon but I really don't care <3 |